.. _development: Development =========== **OpenRelay** is under active development, and contributions are welcome. .. _scm: -------------- Source Control -------------- The **OpenRelay** source is managed with Git_ The project is publicly accessible, hosted and can be cloned from **GitHub** using:: $ git clone git://github.com/Captainkrtek/OpenRelay.git Git branch structure -------------------- **OpenRelay** follows the model layout by Vincent Driessen in his `Successful Git Branching Model`_ blog post. Git-flow_ is a great tool for managing the repository in this way. ``development`` The "next release" branch, likely unstable. ``master`` Current production release (|version|). ``feature/`` Unfinished/ummerged feature. Each release is tagged and available for download on the Downloads_ section of the **OpenRelay** repository on GitHub_. When submitting patches, please place your feature/change in its own branch prior to opening a pull request on GitHub_. To familiarize yourself with the technical details of the project read the :ref:`internals` section. .. _GitHub: https://www.github.com .. _Git: http://git-scm.org .. _`Successful Git Branching Model`: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ .. _git-flow: http://github.com/nvie/gitflow .. _Downloads: https://github.com/Captainkrtek/OpenRelay/downloads .. _docs: ---------------- Getting Involved ---------------- **OpenRelay**, as mentioned earlier, is under active development. If you're interested in getting involved, clone the repo and send us a pull request with your update. If you're interested in becoming a maintainer, email steve@peer.to with your qualifications. ----------------- Documentation ----------------- The documentation is written in `reStructured Text`_ format. The documentation lives in the ``docs`` directory. In order to build it, you will first need to install Sphinx_. :: $ pip install sphinx Then, to build an HTML version of the documentation, simply run the following from the **docs** directory:: $ make html Your ``docs/_build/html`` directory will then contain an HTML version of the documentation, ready for publication on most web servers. You can also do a recursive wget of http://peer.to/docs to obtain the latest documentation build of OpenRelay :: $ wget -r http://peer.to/git/docs/_build/html/ Then navigate to the _build/html directory and open index.html in your browser to browse the documentation. You can also generate the documentation in format other than HTML. .. _`reStructured Text`: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org