========= Changelog ========= Version 0.3 ----------- * More control over the key creation parameters * Queue manager app backported from Mayan EDMS to improve background tasks efficiency * Slash '/' character can now be part of a resources name in effect allowing filesystem path emulation * The ammount of technical details shown to the user has been replaced with informative views * Improved node indentity by using a private and public per node * Better key handling, key publishing view and background key generation * New configuration option: SERVER_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE_THRESHOLD, to determine when to delete a node from the siblings list * Better remote node status detection and reporting * Interactive locale switching * Translation: Spanish, Czech, Klingon and Ukrainian * Better caching of remote resources information * Refactoring of the entire API * Resource model class refactoring * Project wide improved error and exception handling * Filesystem storage improvements (deletion, filename sanitation) * Adding of contact information to the about template, cleaned up the markup * Improvements in template appearance (base, about, home and forms, image centering, etc) * Favicon added * New SERVER_INVENTORY_QUERY_INTERVAL configuration option to setup the time interval between nodes inventory query API call * Node resource sharing API call implemented * Node resource inventory sharing API call implemented * Node resource inventory hash sharing API call implemented * Updated the default keyserver of the project to just 'peer.to' * Documentation updates, added development, installation, internals, license and settings pages * New SERVER_HEARTBEAT_QUERY_INTERVAL configuration options to enable the setting of the heartbeat query interval * CPU load calculator for the heartbeat API call * lock_manager app from Mayan EDMS to avoid race conditions in scheduled task execution * Added background scheduled tasks support using APScheduler